Our Expertise

Managing a successful medical practice is challenging. No other business is subject to such a wide range of challenging and sometimes conflicting drivers. As a Provider you spent years to complete your education and training to care for patients. Yet the reality of healthcare means that you are drawn into business operations - regulations, contract negotiations, audits, administrative tasks, billing and much more that can prove simply overwhelming.
That's where we come in. Our services are offered on an on-going and as-needed basis so your practice can enjoy the flexibility of choosing support, within a variety of areas, when the need arises.
Independent Practice Advisor, LLC enables any organization, regardless of size, the ability to obtain expertise with proven superior results.
Areas of Support
Stability and Growth Planning
Revenue Analysis with recommendations for improved security and growth
Expense Analysis with recommendations for improved controls and reductions
Operations Analysis with recommendations for improved efficiency and results
Staff Mentoring and Training
Insurance Contracting and Collaboration
Mergers and Acquisitions
Professional Recruitment
Re-Location and Start-Up
Operations, Revenue and Expense Monitoring
Organizational Governance
- Policies and Procedures
- Work Flows
- Audits
- Policies and Procedures
- Work Flows
- Audits
Human Resources
- Benefit Plans
- Policies and Procedures
- Organizational Structures
- Leadership Support
Risk Management
- Audits
- Policies and Procedures
Strategic Business Plans
Patient Satisfaction Surveys and Programs
Compensation Plan Development
Marketing Strategy
Revenue Cycle Analysis
Interim Executive Management Services
Vendor Contracting
Shareholder Relations
Productivity Analysis
Software Analysis, Contracting, Transitions
Technology Analysis, Recommendations & Implementations
Strategic Collaborations
Business Development